Welcome to The General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan Update Page!

SanBernardino2050 is a major planning initiative by the City of San Bernardino, involving the update of our General Plan, preparation of a specific plan to guide development in the Downtown, update our Development Code, and preparation of Environmental Impact Reports that addresses these policy and regulatory documents. We’re glad you’re here to join us in the effort – the future is ours!

2021-2029 Housing Element
The City Council adopted the San Bernardino 2021-2029 Housing Element on February 21, 2024. The Housing Element is in full compliance with applicable state laws. The Department of Housing and Community Development issued a letter certifying compliance on February 16, 2024. The adopted housing element can be reviewed below:
Click Here

This website is your one-stop shop for finding what you need to know about SanBernardino2050 and what it means for you and our community. Take a look around the site to learn more about SanBernardino2050, visit often for updates, learn how you can be involved and provide input, and be sure to sign-up to receive email updates about future project news and opportunities to participate.

What's New


The City Council adopted the San Bernardino 2021-2029 Housing Element on February 21, 2024. The Housing Element is in full compliance with applicable state laws. The Department of Housing and Community Development issued a letter certifying compliance on February 16, 2024. The adopted housing element can be reviewed below:


The GPAC has completed its work in drafting an updated Land Use Plan that will guide how and where existing uses will be conserved and new uses developed in the future—including housing, commercial, industrial, public, and other uses. Now we need to hear your thoughts about whether these are good ideas and suggestions for any changes. Your comments will be forwarded to the GPAC to be considered in finalizing their recommendations in late Spring. Click below to review and comment on the Draft Land Use Plan!

Upcoming Advisory Committee Meetings

The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) will hold its next meeting on May 1st, 2023 to discuss draft goals, policies, and implementation measures for the Public Facilities and Services and Parks and Recreation Elements.


Make sure to check our calendar for all our upcoming meetings or sign up for our mailing list so you can be notified of the latest updates!


Click here to view the Draft Public Facilities and Services and Parks and Recreation Elements for the May 1st GPAC Meeting.


Advisory Meetings Are Back!

The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) will hold its next meeting on April 17, 2023 to discuss economic development goals and policies and discuss issues to be addressed by the Environmental Justice Element.

Make sure to check our calendar for all our upcoming meetings or sign up for our mailing list so you can be notified of the latest updates!


Click here to view the Draft Economic Development Goals, Policies, and Programs for the April 17th GPAC Meeting.

Focus Areas Community Workshops

In Spring 2022, seven community workshops were held in each of the Wards in San Bernardino to gain some valuable feedback on the future of the City in specific areas that have been identified during the visioning process. Visit our Community Workshop page to see all the great work the community has been involved in and how you can get involved in upcoming events!

San Bernardino Event using SCAG’s Go Human Kit of Parts

On Saturday, March 19th, 2022, the City of San Bernardino utilized SCAG’s Go Human Kit of Parts to put together a tactical urbanism demonstration in Downtown San Bernardino. The event was a part of the community engagement effort for the City’s General Plan update, San Bernardino 2050: The Future is Ours, and it was held in conjunction with the San Bernardino Arts Fest, a popular local event. The project team engaged with approximately 100 community members, which included many youths. 

The event showcased a creative crosswalk, separated bike lane, parklet, and curb extension. Many, if not all, of the elements were new to the city. The Kit of Parts served as valuable educational tools to teach community members about new pedestrian and bicycle treatments that the City is interested in having.

Click here to see a video from the event.

Vision San Bernardino 2050

The draft Vision Statement for the General Plan Update lays the foundation for the development of goals, policies, and implementation programs of the updated City of San Bernardino General Plan. It is aspirational and ambitious, viewed from the perspective of a resident, business person, or visitor to the City in 2050. It is not a statement about today, but envisions how the City can evolve based on the needs and values of its residents expressed through multiple forums of public conversation and input.

Use the button below to view the Draft Vision Statement for the General Plan Update.

Photo Submission

What would you like San Bernardino to look like in the year 2050? Please upload photos of places, buildings, open spaces, streets, and community activities you would like to see in San Bernardino. Your input will help us draft a Vision Statement that will serve as the foundation of the General Plan Update. Click here to upload your image!

Community Guide to Planning Initiative

The City of San Bernardino invites residents to join us at a Community Guide to Planning Initiative. Residents will learn about the history of planning, planning tools, and the decision-making process in fun, engaging, and interactive classes. The goal of the Initiative is to provide residents with a platform to inform and shape the future of the community as part of the General Plan Update.

Participation is FREE! Use the buttons below to apply by August 27. Contact Sandra Espadas for any questions at (909) 204-3413 or sespadas@nationalcore.org.