Vision San Bernardino 2050

Visioning the future of San Bernardino

During August and September 2021, community workshops were conducted in all City Council Wards to enable the community to express their visions for the state of the City in the year 2050 as input for the preparation of the updated San Bernardino General Plan. A total of 1,483 public comments were gathered and recorded to help serve as the foundation on which a Vision Statement will be written as the “prologue” to the San Bernardino General Plan 2050. Go here for a full list of public comments as part of the visioning activity at the Community Workshops: Issues and Visions. Go here to read a full summary of public participation and feedback compiled during the visioning phase of outreach for the General Plan Update.

Draft Vision Statement

The Vision Statement for the General Plan Update lays the foundation for the development of goals, policies, and implementation programs of the updated City of San Bernardino General Plan. It is aspirational and ambitious, viewed from the perspective of a resident, business person, or visitor to the City in 2050. It is not a statement about today, but envisions how the City can evolve based on the needs and values of its residents expressed through multiple forums of public conversation and input. The Vision Statement is currently in draft and will be considered for adoption by the San Bernardino City Council on March 16, 2022.


The Draft Vision Statement

San Bernardino is the community of choice recognized as an excellent city to live, work, and play, distinguished by:

  • Our rich heritage as the gateway and the hub of commerce, entertainment, governance, culture, education, recreation, and transportation in the Inland Empire.
  • Our residents, businesses, community groups, elected officials, and City staff working together to honor our heritage and ground our work towards a prosperous and innovative city for all future generations.
  • The unparalleled natural and scenic beauty of our city.
  • Our equitable treatment of all residents, businesses, and community groups, while ensuring broad community participation and ownership of the public process.
  • Our residents’ access to diverse employment opportunities, quality education, safe neighborhoods, reliable public services and infrastructure systems, and a healthy physical environment.
  • Neighborhoods where we know one another and offer housing for everyone with quality parks, schools, and robust services.
  • Our commitment to evolving innovation and advancing the education and skills of all residents, making them the most competitive in the region.
  • A robust and resilient economy that nurtures the growth of local businesses, a thriving downtown, emergent and innovative industries, and ensures household prosperity.
  • Access to dependable, accessible, affordable, and environmentally responsible transportation options.
  • Valuing and celebrating the cultural and creative expression of our residents.